No visa for Congo and Rwanda

Being south of Uganda, I venture to go into these neighboring countries, sin visa, but I took certain precautions, got a guide for safety and this brought a gunman, know that the situation in the Congo is very unstable, well we could cross with a buffalo or elephant in the way.

Estába in kisoro, a mountainous area, near the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest where you will see the gorillas, in an area of ​​difficult access, at first we had to cross a swamp, then came the primary forest of Bamboo, as we ascended the vegetation changed. And the route is put even more difficult. Such was the difficulty I appreciated the stocks makeshift stairs with trunks and branches, they were both upstream and downstream, looked as fragile, I started improvising techniques ascent and descent, like hands grabbing two different woods while, crossed canyons and cliffs that stretched hundreds of feet deep, side both Uganda and Rwanda. Down some stairs were upright and some in reverse, this was the moment where trust was best, think that there was a step down, as to look down, chances are not that sought divisaras step. Of course that view was not suitable for cardiac, persons with the vertigo prone to dizzy. Some steps seemed to break just by looking at, those treading with the smoothness with which a ballet dancer moves. So it was that after a little more than three hours of hard walk but steady it we were in the Congo, there was also very near Rwanda and Uganda.

At one point I stood on a stone, and I was in the three countries simultaneously, if it was 3669 meters, on top of the volcano Sabyinyo. The view from the summit was impressed, between the deep green of the prevailing vegetation, could make out several craters near the surrounding towns.

The descent was also difficult. During descent, los ranger (rangers) I was told that if we got up at noon I leave another Virunga volcanoes, something I had asked the day before, but they doubted it was possible to make, because since there is evidence (founded what makes the park 20 years old) no one had, so set a record. So hurry down the pace.

While we 45 minutes past noon, at the gate of Mgahinga National Park ranger was another waiting for you to climb Mount Gahinga 3474 meters, although the rise was milder than the Sabyinyo, for me it was not, since I took over 5 hours of climbing in the area and had not yet eaten. To reach the top, tuve to stop several times to rest and to feed. But it had its reward when, a casi 3500 meters high had before me the view of the crater, broad and deep, which has a swamp in.

The descent was more bearable and when you reach the park gate had been exactly 10 hours since I left in the morning, I was exhausted.

On the way we heard and sighted a Golden Monkey, endemic to this area, but these monkeys, and had visited the day before when I made a special trekking to photograph and enjoy an hour.

As he had done 2 volcanoes in one day, and had a free day before looking for my next group. I decided that the next day, I would go in search of the summit of Volcano Uganda highest of the Virunga, Mount Muhabura, of 4127 meters. But that, that's another story, another story of Africa.

Javier Remon

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