Lurking lions and …

They spent 7 lions front 4×4, they went ahead 2 adult lionesses followed by their young, some of 8 and other 4 months.
Across the way, adult females began walking silently towards an old buffalo was alone.
Lionesses stopped their step when the buffalo turned his head toward them. One of the lionesses went left and the other to the right, there was no doubt, They were hunting.
The lionesses advanced towards the dam when she looked in another direction. Soon the race were launched ambushing prey.
When the buffalo tried to ram one behind the other attacked, all under the watchful eye of his apprentices, the puppies.
The lioness, despite getting on the back of the buffalo, They did not have the strength nor the necessary weight to flip. Then one of them sank his teeth in his mouth and did not let go. At the same time the other lioness, climb on the back of Buffalo, he tried , while larger hatchlings will bite the tendons of the hind legs. It took more than 20 minutes until he broke a leg and buffalo began to totter.
Attached to the snout, the female was covered with blood from the wounds Buffalo. When they could finally bring him down, four lions he rose up.DSC_7403bajacalidad
It was at that moment that the lioness attacked from behind took over from the bloody lioness to finish suffocate the buffalo and end his life. All this took more than 30 minutes and then if, he started the feast.
Hyenas soon appeared and was one of the young male little mane who drove them away. Later came the vultures.
So the food chain, Lions take advantage of buffalo meat for two days. Then it is the turn of the hyenas, Later carrion birds and insects finally.

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