Javier Remon

Con-ToposasJavier Remón creció en la Patagonia argentina, surrounded by mountains, lakes and rivers.

Su sed de aventura lo llevó a recorrer por tierra y mar más de 300.000 kms. en 85 países en bicicleta, moto, kayak and SUVs,,es,and he met different cultures that captivated his admiration,,es,cameraman and safety kayaker rafting companies,,es,He has also led expeditions in Morocco and Turkey,,es,He participated in two World kayakpolo,,es,for playing selected Argentine,,es,His experience triathlete and offshore Guardavidas has been of great help for your solo kayak expeditions in the Indian Ocean,,es,Experienced mountaineer,,es,He has made the Aconcagua summit,,es,and Kilimanjaro,,es.
Así conoció diferentes culturas que cautivaron su admiración.

Does,,es,He crossed Africa,,es,He immediately began making SAFARIS,,es,He has led expeditions in different parts of Africa and Turkey and Ecuador,,es,He has participated in two World Cups kayakpolo,,es,Javier has created kifaru EXPEDITIONS offers vast experience organizing and guiding Adventure safaris,,es,Javier is planning his next adventure,,es,Does,,es,He crossed Africa,,es,He immediately began making SAFARIS,,es,He has led expeditions in different parts of Africa and Turkey and Ecuador,,es 12 years old, cruzó África, from Cape Town to Egypt, He worked as a photographer, camarógrafo y kayakista de seguridad en compañías de rafting. Inmediatamente comenzó a hacer SAFARIS, ha liderado expediciones por diferentes partes de África y también Turquía y Ecuador.

Su experiencia de triatleta y Guardavidas en mar abierto le ha sido de gran ayuda para sus expediciones en solitario de kayak en el Océano Indico.
Montañista experimentado, ha hecho cumbre en el Aconcagua (6962m.) y el Kilimanjaro (5895m.) among many other mountains in the world,,es,He is a certified divemaster and has dived in seas and lakes of America,,es,Europe,,es,Asia and Africa,,es,Currently it offers its vast experience organizing and guiding safaris Adventure,,es,both South and East Africa,,es,who knows firsthand,,es,for these,,es,you have at your disposal their bikes,,es,ATVs and kayaks equipped to reach remote places as remote and as your thirst for adrenaline you sues,,es.
Ha participado de dos mundiales de kayakpolo, jugando para el seleccionado argentino.
Es Divemaster certificado y ha buceado en mares y lagos de America, Europa, Asia y Africa.

Javier ha creado KIFARU EXPEDITIONS y ofrece su vasta experiencia de Aventura organizando y guiando safaris, tanto el sur como el este de África, los cuales conoce de primera mano.

En sus expediciones, va a lugares donde ninguna agencia de turismo se atrevería a hacerlo. Para éstas, tiene a tu disposición sus motos, todoterrenos y kayaks equipados para llegar a lugares tan recónditos y remotos como tu sed de adrenalina te lo demande.

At this time probably, Javier esté planeando su próxima aventura. And perhaps yours,,es,And perhaps yours,,es.